Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lab #3

Here is the link to my Google Map.  It lists all of the locations of Travel Channel's "Man vs. Food" first 3 seasons, as well as the food eaten, and the result of the "duel".

Neogeography is an incredibly important field in the individual citizen's right to create spatial and temporal relationships on any aspect they want to explore.  I see it as being similar to Open Office, in that it allows any person to be able to create a spatial outlay of any type of information without having to pay for expensive software like GIS.  Also, it is much easier to share these maps with the entire internet community, leading to a vast network of individual interests becoming interconnected.  From a creative point of view, I think neogeography allows greater communication of geographic knowledge.

One of the pitfalls of this free, open service though is that it can lead to inaccurate or biased information to be distributed all throughout the web.  Say for example a student is studying a certain topic for school, comes upon a map they find on google, and uses its information as being completely trusted and correct.  How can that student guarantee the validity of spatial outlay and data incorporated within the map?  I think the best way that neogeography can be implemented in our society is if we can implement a system of checks, so as to minimize the amount of illegitimate information flowing through the web.

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