Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lab #2

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
 2.        A) Canoga Park
B) Van Nuys
C) Burbank
D) Topanga
E) Hollywood
F) Venice
G) Inglewood

3.      3.   1995
4.      4.     North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27)
·         Projection and 1000-meter grid
·         Universal Transverse Mercator, zone 11 10,000 foot ticks
·         CA Coordinate System of 1927 (zone 7)
        North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83)
·         Dashed corner ticks
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5.      5.     1:24,000 scale
6.       6.   At above scale
a.       5 cm on map = 1200 m on ground
b.      5 in on map = 1.89 miles on map
c.       1 mile on ground = 2.64 inches on map
d.      3 km on ground = 12.5 cm on map
7.       7.   Contour Interval = 20 ft
8.       8.   Geographic Coordinates
a.       Public Affairs Building
M/S/D: Longitude:  118®26’30’’   Latitude: 34®4’30’’
Degree Decimal: Longitude: 118.441667   Latitude: 34.075

b.      Tip of Santa Monica Pier
M/S/D: Longitude: 118®30’    Latitude: 34®30’’
Degree Decimal:  Longitude: 118.5    Latitude: 34.008333

c.       Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir
M/S/D:  Longitude: 118®24’30’’    Latitude: 34®7’
Degree Decimal:  Longitude: 118.408333    Latitude: 34.116667

9.      9.    Approximate Elevation (feet and meters)
a.       Greystone Mansion: 580 ft  =  176.8 m
b.      Woodlawn Cemetery : 140 ft  =  42.7 m
c.       Crestwood Hills Park: 760 ft   =  231.6 m

1110.   UTM Zone of map of Beverly Hills = Zone 11

1111.  UTM Coordinates for bottom left corner = Zone 11, Easting 361500, Northing 3763000

1212.  Amount of square miles of one UTM grid cell = 1 km x 1 km = 1,000,000 square meters
    13. Elevation profile along N3771000

14. Magnetic declination of map = 14 ˚

15. Water flow direction = North to South



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